


We support societies to resist division and become resilient to violence by:  

(1)  Increasing Knowledge & Capacity: we provide trainings and capacity building support to organizations and groups

(2)  Supporting Strategy Design: we facilitate project design workshops and provide strategic advising

(3)  Pushing Forward: we support pilot projects, inter-disciplinary research, and the prototyping and testing of promising approaches to push practical knowledge forward


Learn About Our Inter-Disciplinary Approach...

By applying design principles, marketing strategies and behavioral science, PopTech Social Innovation Fellow Rachel Brown has gained a deep understanding of what incites speech-driven violence. In the process, she is learning there is a flip side – using speech to incite peace.

Read Defusing Hate, by Over Zero’s Executive Director Rachel Brown

Genocide and mass atrocities are commonly preceded and accompanied by “dangerous speech” -hate speech that has the potential to influence people to accept, condone, or commit violence against targeted groups. Dangerous speech is consequently considered both a warning sign and an instrument of group-targeted violence. Counteracting its dissemination provides us with one avenue for preventing this type of violence from occurring.